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Have fun creating your own unique stack! The possibilities and stack combos are endless!

La Playa
Spicy Chile
from $35.00

Meet -

Stacks by Gianna

My Mission To YOU



My mission is to make you feel strong and unafraid to speak. Having positive thoughts, good vibes, and that main character energy…always. Standing out from the crowd, unapologetically. My goal is for you to look down at your S|G pieces and SMILE -whether its at home, at the gym, or going out with your girlfriends…feel that joy, and radiate all those fucking VIBES.

S|G evolved into a lifestyle brand with a cult following known for its buildable stacks, sweat proof gold, and lots of swear words.

We keep it real around here. Always thriving & shining.

Thank you for your past, present, and future support. Once my little hobby, now my real life dream.

xx GS

 “A beautiful life does not just happen, it is built daily by prayer, humility, sacrifice, and love. May that beautiful life be yours always.”

— Anonymous